PROTEX Professional Automotive Solutions
Protex by Bardahl provides a series of professional maintenance service programmes that offer the finest service additives with unique formulations to ensure your vehicle perform in tip top condition.

1. Basic Fuel Service Programme
• Cleans throttle body, idle passage & intake assembly
• Removes carbon, varnish and other deposits
• Eliminates stalling, hard-starting and rough idling
• Restores performance, reduces emissions and improves fuel economy
2. Advanced Fuel Service Programme
• Cleaning additives contain powerful PEA (Poly Ether Amine)
• Cleans the entire fuel system including injectors, intake valves, combustion chambers, ports,
cylinder heads, piston tops and throttle body
• Removes carbon, varnish and other deposits from injectors, intake valves and combustion chamber
• Eliminates stalling, hard-starting, rough idling, hesitation and knocking
• Restores maximum power, enhances performance, reduces emissions and improves fuel economy
• Reduces octane requirement
3. Basic Diesel Service Programme
• Removes harmful deposits and cleans CRDI fuel system in diesel engine
• Restores power, enhances performance, reduces emissions and improves fuel economy
• Increases protection of engine against friction, heat, wear under high temperature/high load conditions
• Improves protection of engine against rust, corrosion and thermal oxidation
4. Advanced Diesel Service Programme
• Removes harmful deposits and cleans CRDI fuel system in diesel engine
• Restores power, enhances performance, reduces emissions and improves fuel economy
• Use of powerful MTS Cleaner to flush engine. MTS Cleaner dissolves harmful gum and varnish
and removes sludge. It also loosens sticky valves, lifters and rings
• Increases protection of engine against friction, heat, wear under high temperature/high load conditions
• Improves protection of engine against rust, corrosion and thermal oxidation
5. Basic Engine Service Programme
• Use of powerful MTS Cleaner to flush engine. MTS Cleaner dissolves harmful gum and varnish
and removes sludge. It also loosens sticky valves, lifters and rings
• Increases protection of engine against friction, heat, wear under high temperature/high load conditions
• Improves protection of engine against rust, corrosion and thermal oxidation
6. Aged Engine Service Programme
• Stops oil burning and restores lost power in older vehicles
• Thickens engine oil to control excessive oil consumption and improves high temperature lubrication
• Restores compression and improves engine power
• Improves protection of engine against friction, heat and wear

Cleans the fuel injectors to decrease emissions and improve drivability.

Powerfu aerosol cleaner to remove deposits from the induction system.

Removes deposits from the air intake system and cleans the combustion chamber.

Safely cleans the entire fuel system to restore power and improve fuel economy.

One tank clean-up for modern diesel injector systems to restore power and performance.

Enhances engine oil to increase lubrication and reduce friction in newer vehicles.

Multi-functional flush and cleaner for use in engines.

Enhances engine oil to stop oil burning and restore power in older vehicles.